10 Ways To Improve Your Home With Handmade Solid Wood Furniture

10 Ways To Improve Your Home With Handmade Solid Wood Furniture

Nothing inside of a home looks as grand and elegant as solid wood furniture. Handmade wood furniture does come with a higher price tag than most mass-produced furnishings that use a range of materials, but the initial investment pays off in more ways than one. Matter of fact, there are at least 10 ways we can think of at Solid Wood Warehouse of how wood furniture will improve your home, and have listed them here for you to mull over before you decide to go with worse things available to consumers, like fiberglass, plastic, or *gasp* particleboard. And if you are in the market for living room furniture - or furniture to upgrade any room in your home for that matter - you will find very competitive deals on our solid wood furniture, so don’t let money get in the way of the home you deserve!

1. Solid Wood Furniture Can Last A Lifetime

Handmade wood furniture is often passed down from generation to generation, and that makes a special piece a much more valuable investment than any living room furniture made from less durable materials. Our handcrafted solid wood furniture at Solid Wood Warehouse is designed to be heirloom quality that you and your family can enjoy for a lifetime and beyond. Wood furniture is easy to clean and care for with some basic cleaning supplies readily available at stores everywhere and common-sense safety practices. 

Solid wood furniture also holds up to the wear and use of everyday living environments, so elegance and practicality are not opposing aspects in any regard. There are many pieces of living room furniture out there that are made to look unique and visually appealing, but the materials used in their construction cause it to be for eyes only and not for touching. That is an unfortunate and almost nonsensical way to furnish your home, especially when you can have something beautifully handcrafted from wood to enhance your living space that can also be of practical use.

2. Nothing Looks As Good As Wood Furniture

Solid wood living room furniture is in a class all of its own, especially when it comes to looks. And with the unique properties of grain in each individual piece of wood, no two handmade pieces of wood furniture look identical. This sets your piece apart from any others to be one of a kind. The look of wood has a beauty that stands out and ties many aspects of a house together. Hardwood floors, crown molding, even your other home decorations can pop with extra vibrancy when paired with solid wood furniture. 

Another often overlooked fact about wood furniture and how it can improve your home is that it can look better with age. While living room furniture made from other materials like plastic and particleboard practically disintegrate over time, solid wood furniture develops more character with age and use. Its lustre only improves so long as you clean it properly, and waxing and polishing on some pieces that are ok to do so on will acquire a glow that will really brighten a room. 

3. Wood Furniture Has Psychological Benefits, As Well

You have undoubtedly heard a lot said about how certain paint colors on your house’s walls can brighten your mood, but the same is true about wood furniture. Wood is from nature, of course, and natural materials that invoke thoughts of the great outdoors have a very positive psychological effect. In fact, using elements of nature in your home design scheme can improve your feelings of serenity, peace, and even motivation. With more than 50% of the Earth’s human population now living in urban cities, the dissociation from nature has had adverse effects on mental health, even going so far as giving people feelings of depression. Handmade solid wood living room furniture can make your home feel more relaxing and closer to nature. It’s a simple solution that can go a long way to giving you and your family more mental well-being no matter how urbanized the surrounding environment has become.

4. Wood Furniture Is Versatile

If you like being able to change the style of your home from time to time, nothing is able to do so as effectively as the versatility of solid wood furniture. Wood furniture can be sanded, stained, painted, and brought back to its original look again with relative ease. It’s also remarkably easy to work with compared to living room furniture made from other materials that don’t look as well with chemicals applied to them. 

Wood furniture pairs with many schools of design, as well. Whether you are going for a minimalist approach or looking to produce a maximalist charm or anything in between, chances are that a handcrafted piece of solid wood furniture will fit in seamlessly. Wood furniture is most noted for providing an elegant look when used as living room furniture and to every other room of your house, but it is also very adaptable to chic and modern designs, as well. Some people have even used wood furniture as a contrast to their design schemes with stunning results. If you want to incorporate more versatility into your home, only wood furniture will give you the amount of versatility with the best chances of success possible.

5. Wood For Living Room Furniture Is Much Less Stressful To Clean

If you have company over to your home often or just like to keep your place clean and tidy, then you know how stressful cleaning your living room furniture can be. Certain living room furniture materials can be a real source of displeasure and annoyance to keep in pristine condition, but solid wood furniture is a breeze with the right cleaning solutions and tools. Most of the time with wood furniture all that is necessary is a quick and light dusting, and whenever heavier soils do happen, there are many remedies available that can get it back looking beautiful that won’t cause any damage to it at all. A simple scrubbing with water and thorough drying can do wonders, and the wood cleansing products available at most stores will handle most everything else short of fire damage!

6. Wood Furniture Is A More Environmentally Sustainable Option

You might hear some people saying the contrary, but living room furniture made from wood is a lot friendlier to the environment than those made out of most man-made materials. Our solid wood furniture is ethically sourced from forestry operations that care about their own businesses - replanting trees and not cutting down in vulnerable areas ensures their job security! Did you know that in Europe forests used to support manufacturing are increasing in size by 5,000 sq kilometers/year? All of those children’s movies from the 90s about deforestation must have paid off because the concern about trees disappearing has almost entirely disappeared worldwide. Sustainable practices have been adopted so thoroughly that nothing can be further from the truth than to say that using wood to make furniture is unethical - not if you truly care about the environment and renewable resources.

Did you also know that wood continues to hold the carbon it absorbed even after it is dead and made into furniture? Wood is burned for fuel in many other industries, but making furniture out of it is actually one of the “greenest” uses possible. A lot of other furniture that is made from less than natural materials requires a lot of chemicals and fossil fuel burning, and when you throw them away they could take thousands of years to decompose if they ever do at all. Wood, on the other hand, will biodegrade eventually and completely (though you will get plenty of life out of it to make its purchase worthwhile). The fact that it is a renewable resource, that it takes a lot fewer resources to craft living room furniture out of it, and that it won’t be sitting in a landfill for the rest of eternity after you have thrown it out makes buying wood furniture a much more ecologically responsible choice.

7. When Choosing Handmade Wood, Your Living Room Furniture Can Appreciate In Value

There aren’t many things you can buy that will grow in value, but a special and one-of-a-kind piece of solid wood furniture can. The antique trade is a huge market, and one of the most popular and sought-after antiques is always going to be solid wood furniture. Beautifully crafted, original wood furniture remains in high demand right now, and, generally, the older it is the higher the value given to it by collectors. All of the wood furniture we craft now at Solid Wood Warehouse is designed to be the piece that a collector envisions buying decades from now - if you ever let it go, that is! 

8. Wood Furniture Works In Every Room Of Your Home

There is absolutely no reason why you will be limited with where to put your wood furniture in your home. It looks good everywhere, whether it’s part of your dining set, stools at your kitchen island, seating in your living room, the bed in your bedroom, even wood shelving in the bathroom will make that area look more stunning than before. In fact, wooden patio furniture looks amazing, too, so don’t think it is only meant as living room furniture.

9. You Get The Best Value From Solid Wood Furniture

If you consider your home as an extension of yourself then it is completely true to say that your home is improved by the value you receive for your money by choosing to buy solid wood furniture. You do need to spend thousands of dollars annually to maintain and run your home, after all. And though the price of wood furniture is typically more expensive initially than those made from cheaper materials, you will get a lot more out of it and for a longer amount of time. 

That value can be added up in a monetary sense, but at Solid Wood Warehouse, we like to think of our wood furniture as giving you value in other aspects of your life, as well. That could mean the more time you save not having to laboriously clean and replace your living room furniture or the furnishings throughout your home, and the added hours you can spend enjoying your home spaces with friends and family. They will undoubtedly enjoy the time spent in your beautiful home, as well!

10. Wood Furniture Protects Your Other Things

When you buy a brand new television what would you trust setting it on more - a wobbly table made from plastic or a piece of solid wood furniture? You can ask the same question about many of your household goods from fine china to potted plants, and you are likely to choose the latter option. Solid wood furniture just holds up better than any other option, and it will therefore protect your other valuables just as much as it will protect itself. 

Choose Solid Wood Furniture From Solid Wood Warehouse

We hope that you will choose solid wood furniture for your own home because it enhances all of your living spaces with a beauty and durability that is unmatched by any other furniture material. But to get all of the benefits that you should from wood furniture, make sure it is a one-of-a-kind handcrafted piece designed by our craftsmen at Solid Wood Warehouse. We put the time and effort into crafting stunning furniture that you can enjoy for a lifetime, and at prices that are affordable for any budget. You can view our extensive catalogue of handmade furniture at solidwoodwarehouse.co.uk

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